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Earn 1% of referred seller sales! 

Help sellers easily diversify their sales by joining Rivly and we'll pay you a 1% commission on their sales through 2024!*

Only for sellers signed up before public launch

*See affiliate program terms & conditions

The Process is Easy

Sign Up

Create an account and complete a brief 2 minute questionnaire. The Rivly team reviews each applicant for approval to ensure that we're a great fit for each other.

Share your unique link

After your account has been approved, you will be provided with a unique link & QR code to share with sellers that allows us to track all sign ups with a 30 day cookie.

Get paid via PayPal

Watch your rewards grow every month as the Rivly marketplace grows and you are paid monthly with a 1% commission on all of your referred sellers' sales through 2024.

Have questions? We have answers

How do you track conversions?

Conversions are tracked using your unique URL and/or QR code once the referred seller first creates their account.

How do I get paid my commissions?

At the end of each month, we total all the referred seller product sales (minus returns) and we'll make your commission available for you to cash-out via your PayPal address.

What countries can affiliates be from?

Our affiliates can hail from any country in the world that PayPal is an accepted form of payment. 

How long do cookies last for?

The cookies used to track you referrals last for 30 days after someone clicks your link, and the clock will restart if clicked again. 

When do I get paid my commissions?

All sales (minus returns) are totaled and made available on by the 15th of the 2nd month after month end (e.g. January commission will be available by March 15)

How much can I earn in this program?

There is no limit! If your referred sellers have $10 million in sales (minus returns) during the period then Rivly will pay you $100,000!

Join today to start earning 1% of referred seller sales!*

*See affiliate program terms and conditions

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